One of our clients distributes Dermaveel. It is a medicine intended for people who suffer from atopic dermatitis (AD). Caring for a baby with atopic dermatitis is burdensome and is not only related to the need of applying medicines often in many areas of the skin, but also to the necessity of being in the therapy very systematic and accurate. Furthermore, the very act of applying ointment is quite troublesome. The child must be stripped several times a day to lubricate with the next drug treatment and to even get the child’s willingness to cooperate in the therapy, one needs to make it a family ritual, inscribe it on a permanent basis into a daily activities plan. Therefore, we faced a real challenge and we were sure we want to do it right.


The solution executed by us was the project and consequently its approval which resulted in the creation of an application supporting parents in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children: Dermaveel applications. The application was meant for the parents with the goal of making the treatment of the children with atopic dermatitis easier for them. The application itself has a goal of drawing the child’s attention. Thus Derek the Chameleon came to be and the children could watch his adventures as he ventured to many different countries.


While the child is focused on Derek, a parent can treat their child with the medicine and note down the stages of the treatment as the application allows to note down the effects of the usage of different remedies, mark certain days in the calendar and generate a report. Such a report can be shown to the doctor to allow him a better insight into the therapy.


The photo session we have held has been carried out with the help of the rescuers themselves who posed for the photos with the GP Batteries products. The pictures were then shown in a magazine about the mountains.




grey tree sp. z o.o.

ul. 1-go Maja 41B lok. 43

96-300 Żyrardów

Tel.: +48 668 595 856